Content & Sources
Streamchartz is currently supporting the following: Hashtags – Facebook – Flickr – Foursquare – Google – Google Reviews – Instagram – LinkedIn – Pinterest – Rss – TripAdvisor – Tumblr – Twitter – Vimeo – YouTube
Please note that before you can add any sources you need to connect your social profiles. To add a new source whether it is a profile or twitter and Instagram hashtag, go to content at the left side bar menu and start adding the sources you need. The number of sources you can add is restricted to your current paid plan.
You, it is possible to disconnect or delete any source you have, however, current or old posts from this source will not be deleted but new posts. If you want to delete the current posts, you need to do it manually or block the profile and then unblock it again.
You can use the announcement and sponsored banner posts to create announcement for example about jobs or something in your company with a link you can easily put in the post. You can also use it to generate revenue from partners or sponsored by letting them create posts and displaying it on your wall which would be a feature if you display the wall at events, shops or websites.
On the menu bar at the left side of the streamchartz screen click on other and then Post & Banner, write the title, upload an image and put the link. Specify the Date of visibility or leave it empty if you want it to be always exist. Specify the positions and repetition of the banner and you are ready to go. Create as many as you want. Do not forget to jump to the walls section on the same page of banner & posts and define on which walls do you want it to be displayed.